Keynote Speakers

Pak Chung Wong Date: Feb 3, 2014

Speaker : Pak Chung Wong

Affiliation : Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Website: ;

Title: What Makes Cybersecurity Visualizations Different from Other Types of Visualization

Abstract : We will explore the ongoing challenges of cybersecurity visualization from an enterprise perspective. Based on an interview study with five cybersecurity experts serving in various roles in private and government sectors, we will characterize today's cybersecurity environments by considering over ten factors such as data size and velocity, data sensitivity, and goal/role of visualization. We will then present a list of the top-ten observations that make cybersecurity visualizations different from other types of visualization.

Speaker Bio : Pak Chung Wong is a chief scientist and project manager at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Richland, Washington. He has led and performed research and development on information technology and scientific computation at PNNL for over a decade. His research interests include visual analytics, extreme scale data analytics, visualization, privacy and security, and social computing. Wong currently serves as an associate editor-in-chief of IEEE Computer Graphics and Application and an associate editor of Information Visualization Journal. In the past, he chaired the IEEE InfoVis, IEEE VAST, and IEEE VisWeek conferences. He received a PhD in computer science from the University of New Hampshire.

Eser Kandogan Date: Feb 4, 2014

Speaker : Eser Kandogan

Affiliation : IBM Almaden Research Center

Website :

Title: Just-in-Time Visual Analytics and Discovery

Abstract : Increasing complexity and volume of data mandates integration between analytics and visualization. In this talk I am going to make a call for tighter integration of computational and visual analytics techniques, called Just-in-Time Visual Analytics, performed in real-time as users are exploring the data. I will argue that such close-coupling would bring about a novel user experience of computational techniques working on users' behalf supporting a social, visual, and intelligent conversation with data, allowing them build faster qualitative mental models, speed up data and expertise discovery, and guide the discovery process. I will demonstrate just-in-time visual analytics through several demonstrations of systems I have built and discuss opportunities, and usability and architectural requirements necessary to build such systems that scale the user experience to the complexity of visual analytic discovery and to the skills of the ever-expanding user-base of visual analytics.

Speaker Bio : Eser Kandogan is a research staff member at IBM Almaden Research Center, Californa, where he conducts and leads research on visual analytics and information interaction, including designing and developing interactive visualizations, integrating computational and visual analytics techniques, multi-dimensional data visualization, and ethnographic field studies of business analysts in the enterprise. His research interests include information visualization, human-computer interaction, semantic search, ethnographic studies, and interaction with complex systems. Prior to IBM, he worked at Silicon Graphics (SGI) on data-mining and visualization software. He holds a B.Sc. degree in computer engineering and information sciences from Bilkent University, Turkey, and a Ph.D. degree from University of Maryland, Computer Science Department. Eser Kandogan is the author of the book, Taming Information Technology, published by Oxford University Press.